Our Team

Click on photos to read their bios


Camille Rule

Co-Owner, Operator, & Founder

Beka Poland

Co-Owner, Operator, & Monkey Wrangler

Front Desk Staff

Click on their photos to learn more!

Shiseido Wells

Front Desk Assistant


Click on their photos to learn more!

Melanie Barton

Aerial Arts Instructor, DPT

Joel DiPippa

Aerial Arts & Youth Instructor

Jessie Grobmyer

Pole & Aerial Arts Instructor

Mattie Henley

Aerial Arts & Youth Instructor

Alice King

Pole Arts & Belly-Dance Instructor

Kim Ray

Hoop Dance & Fire Arts Instructor

Heather Sanders

Aerial Arts Instructor

Whitney Waggoner

Pole Arts Instructor

Gina Davis

Aerial Arts & Pole Arts Instructor

Mary Biton

Aerial Arts & Youth Instructor

Jennique Harding

Pole Arts Instructor

Christy Jackson

Aerial Arts & Bungee Instructor

Rachel Owen

Aerial Arts & Youth Instructor

Lelia Rosenkrans

Aerial Arts Instructor

Emy Teis

Pole Arts Instructor

Britney Bass

Pole Arts Instructor

Ania Wozniak

Aerial Arts Instructor